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08.00 to 17.00 Monday to Friday

#19 Mayor Road, Ridge Accra P.M.B. GPO Accra-Ghana

Head Office +233 30 261 0800



A customer of an ODFI who initiates a payment transfer.


A customer of an RDFI whose account is debited in accordance with the payment instruction sent to the RDFI by the originator.

Payer’s Bank

The ODFI where the payer has an account. It assumes the role of an ODFI when it debits the payer’s account and transfers the funds through ACH.


The person specified in the payment order to receive the transferred funds and whose account is credited by the RDFI.

Beneficiary’s bank

The ODFI where the beneficiary has an account. It takes on the role of an RDFI as it receives the transferred funds from the GACH and credits the beneficiary’s account.


ODFI - Originating Depository Financial Institution
RDFI - Receiving Depository Financial Institution

This is a simple, secure and reliable service that enables individuals; large and small organisations COLLECT funds from bank accounts. A Direct Debit is an instruction from a creditor to its bank authorizing it to collect an agreed amount(s) from the bank account of the creditor´s customer so long as the customer has signed a Mandate and has been given advance notice of the collection amount and date.

Direct Debits are debit pull instruments used for recurring payments such as mortgages, utility bills, insurance premiums, loan re-payments, rent, subscription based service payments etc.

Benefits of ACH Direct Debit

  • Assurance of payment
  • Excellent cash flow benefits from receiving regular payments
  • Low cost of administration compared with requesting consumer-initiated payments.
  • Improved control over payment timing
  • Reduced time spent chasing unpaid or delinquent accounts
  • Better accounting efficiency

GACH refers to the Ghana Automated Clearing House. This is the medium used to transfer funds between bank accounts. GACH can be used to handle bulk or single electronic credit and debit of funds and requires no images. There are two types of ACH transfers namely ACH Direct Credit and ACH Direct Debit.

GACH Direct and Credit and Ciredt Debit Clearing Times


ACH Direct Credit

SESSION 2 18:00

ACH Direct Credit Returns

SESSION 4 14:00 16:00

ACH Direct Debit

SESSION 7 18:00

ACH Direct Debit Returns

SESSION 8 14:00 16:00

Express Direct Credit

SESSION 12 11:00 12:00

Express Direct Credit Returns

SESSION 13 13:00 14:00

This is a simple, secure and reliable service which enables individuals, large and small organisations to make payments by electronic transfer directly into a bank account. It involves a debit to an account in the sender´s bank and a transfer of the amount of money directly into the beneficiary´s account in another bank.

This Credit Push instrument can be used for Payment of salaries, pensions, welfare benefits, commissions, supplier payments, dividend & refunds, interest payments, government payments, business-to-business payments etc. There are 2 forms of ACH Direct Credit services namely;

  1. Normal ACH Direct Credit: Used to DISBURSE funds into bank accounts. This could be single or bulk payments. Clients receive funds the next day after the session ends at 4pm.
  2. Express ACH Direct Credit: This is a premium service used to DISBURSE funds into bank accounts between 11am and 12pm. Clients receive funds after the session ends at 2pm on the same day. Banks charge a special rate for this service.


  • Prompt receipt of Payments.
  • Saves time and effort
  • Safer and more secure
  • Quicker access to funds
  • Allows bulk disbursement of funds
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