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conta ctThe public is being advised to use payment options that reduces their contact with persons in order to reduce exposure to the corona virus. The need to use contactless forms of payment has become necessary following the report of 6 confirmed corona virus cases in Ghana.

Many people rely heavily on cash for payment but that will not be the best option in this era of the pandemic, as it increases contact and the currency notes could also serve as carriers. The use of mobile money for payment and other electronic payment options such as internet banking, mobile banking applications as well as others such as Automated Clearing House (ACH) are preferred channels of payment in the wake of the pandemic.

Speaking in an interview in Accra, the Chief Executive of Ghana Interbank Payment and Settlement Systems (GhIPSS), Archie Hesse urged the people who have not signed up for electronic payment channels such as internet banking and mobile banking applications to do so in order to use them.  He also advised those who have already sign on to these electronic forms of payments to use them and reduce their use of cash.

“Even for the very basic transactions at market places, before you make any payment, ask if the person can receive mobile money, so that you pay with mobile money instead of cash”, Mr. Hesse emphasised. Mr. Hesse advised traders, shop owners and all merchants to accept mobile money and other contactless electronic forms of payments. “It is very important that those who sell to us must now prefer mobile money and other mobile payment options. Those who can, should even encourage their customers to pay them using internet banking. We have these contactless payment channels, let’s use them and save our own lives”, the GhIPSS Boss admonished.The GhIPSS CEO also advised corporate organisations to turn to ACH and other electronic forms of payment instead of cheques, since cheque increases chances of contact.

He commended banks who have sent out messages to their customers encouraging them to use electronic payment channels, saying that it was a step in the right direction. GhIPSS is in the process of rolling out QR codes, though this payment channel will require the physical presence of the customer, it none the less allow for the needed social distance, as the customer will only need to scan the displayed QR code, or dial the merchant’s code for those with feature phones. The world is reeling under the corona virus pandemic, and every effort to prevent its spread including payment, should be avoided, Mr. Hesse added.

Mr Hesse newThe Chief Executive of Ghana Interbank Payment and Settlement System (GhIPSS), a subsidiary of the Bank of Ghana, Mr Archie Hesse has urged the public to use electronic payment channels to send and receive money. He said this was crucial following the frequent reports of robbery attacks.

The past week has recorded a number of daylight robbery attacks in which unspecified amounts of money were reported stolen from the victims. The victims are suspected to have been traced from banks and attacked midway.

Speaking in an interview, Mr Hesse explained that such robbery attacks could be easily avoided if people sent or received monies electronically.
Mr Hesse stated that several electronic payment services exist and regardless of the amount of money that people need to send or receive, there were various options that could be explored to make such payments without carrying physical cash.

"A major reason for introducing these electronic payment platforms is to avoid moving about with cash, so there is absolutely no excuse now to carry cash when you can send or receive that amount electronically."

GhIPSS, through financial institutions, FinTechs and telcos, has introduced many services to make and receive payments, including the transfers of funds across bank accounts within minutes such as the ACH Near Real-Time transfers and instant transfers via GhIPSS Instant Pay. It is also possible to transfer funds from bank account to mobile money wallets and vice versa, while payments can be made directly from bank accounts or mobile money wallets using cards, or GhQR.
Mr Hesse urged the public to use any of these services which were efficient, convenient and safe.

"If you can walk to the banking hall to withdraw huge sums of money, then it means you have a bank account from which you can transfer that amount, so why expose yourself to avoidable risks?"

Mr Hesse encouraged banks to educate their customer about the avoidable risk of carrying huge sums of money when those amounts can be transferred to single or multiple recipients.

Mr Hesse warned that robbery cases may increase from now to the festive season and urged the public to use the various electronic channels. The GhIPSS Boss said public education would be intensified to sensitize the public to embrace electronic payment as a way of life, adding that cash was no longer king as electronic payment is now the best option.

He said while the security agencies make the efforts to rid the streets of criminals, the public could complement the efforts by completely staying away from moving with huge sums of money unless there was police protection.

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