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Mobile Money Interoperability

MMI is the service which allows direct and seamless transfer of funds from one mobile money wallet to another mobile money wallet across networks. It allows transfer of funds from wallet into bank account and e-zwich cards; and also from wallet and e-zwich cards to bank account.

MMI Functionalities

  • Wallet-to-wallet transactions: Allows mobile money users to move funds to other mobile money platforms.
  • Wallet-to-bank account: Allows mobile money users to transfer funds directly from their wallets to any bank account.
  • Wallet-to-e-zwich card: Allows mobile money users to transfer funds directly from their wallets to any e-zwich card.

NB: Customers seeking to use the MMI service should simply dial their existing mobile money short code and follow the prompt.  They could also contact their mobile money service providers.

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