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The Chief Executive Officer of GhIPSS, Mr. Archie Hesse has been awarded the Payment Industry Personality of the Year at the 2019 Edition of the Ghana Information Technology & Telecoms (GITTA) Awards.
He was honoured for his contributions to the development of Ghana's payment systems; as well as for spearheading the development of the Mobile Money Interoperability platform after GhIPSS was commissioned by the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to develop the MMI platform.

The Mobile Money Interoperability (MMI) platform has recorded more than 4.4 million transactions since it introduction in May, 2018. Beginning with just 96,907 transactions in May, 2018, public usage of the cross-network platform has grown phenomenally from 422,275 transactions in December last year to 502,873 transactions in May this year.

Archie Hesse, joined GhIPSS in 2007 as a General Manager in charge of Projects & Business Development.  Whilst in that role, he spearheaded the implementation of a National Biometric Smart Card Banking and Payment System – e-zwich, the Cheque
Codeline Clearing (CCC) System, the Ghana Automated Clearing House (GACH) Systems for direct debit and direct credit, and the National Switching and Processing System – gh-link until his appointment as CEO in July 2012.     

Under his leadership, GhIPSS introduced many reforms that have helped Ghana achieve “Universal Interoperability” with the completion of the mobile money interoperability Phase 1 & 2.

This achievement contributes to increasing electronic transactions in the Ghanaian economy, increasing efficiency in payments, and improving financial inclusion by bridging the gap between the banked and the unbanked.

About GITTA Awards
Now in its 9th year, the Ghana Information Technology & Telecom Awards is the most prestigious awards program in the industry. GITTA has become one of the industry’s most prized honors. It is an accolade given to individuals and teams. It is a vindication of the hard work, innovation and dedication of those at the forefront of this dynamic global profession.

GIP logo 01Public preference for real-time payments is fast rising, the first-quarter industry performance released by the Ghana Interbank Payment and Settlement Systems (GhIPSS), has shown. The figures show very high growth in both volume and value of transactions.

Real-time payments are electronic payments or transfers made across banks, with the recipients getting value for the funds instantly. They include Mobile Money Interoperability (MMI) and GhIPSS Instant Pay (GIP) platforms. The report indicated that express cheque clearing and express Automated Clearing House (ACH) as well as ACH Near Real-Time also saw growth in value of transactions while normal cheque saw a reduction in the volume of transactions and only 1% growth in value.

According to the report, Real-time transactions increased in volume by 272 per cent, from 6.13 million processed in the first quarter of 2020 to 22.83 million in the same period in 2021.The value of transactions increased by 443 per cent from 1.44 billion cedis in 2020 to 7.84 billion cedis in 2021 over the same period.

The Chief Executive of GhIPSS, Archie Hesse said the growth in the value of transactions clearly showed that more people were confident to use real-time payment services to send bigger sums of money than they did previously. He said while the total value of all GhIPSS products went up by 30 percent, the value of Real-time transactions shot up by 443 per cent. “The huge growth in the value of Real-time transactions clearly shows that more people are using these platforms for higher value transactions than they previously did compared to non-real-time services.”

Mr. Hesse said the trend should inform players within the financial services sector on the need to move their payment services towards real-time as that was becoming the preference of the public. He said GhIPSS, together with its partners, would continue to create awareness about the various electronic payment channels, including GhQR, to further increase the volume and value of such transactions to reduce reliance on cash.

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