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qrcSuper markets, pharmacies, restaurants and shop owners in general are being asked to start talking to their banks and Fintechs to help them set up to use the QR Codes.

Universal QR Code will be launched in about two weeks. When it goes lives, customers can scan the codes displayed at the outlets with their smart phones to make payment. Customers who do not have smart phones can pay with their feature phones by dialling a code that will also be displayed at the merchant's location.

QR Code is cheap and easy to set up. It is also a quick way to make payment. The Chief Executive of Ghana Interbank Payment and Settlement Systems (GhIPSS) is therefore urging shop owners and businesses in general to ask their banks to set them up so they can also receive payments via QR Codes.

With QR codes, customers can pay from any bank account or any mobile money wallet. This implies that people who do not have cash on them, can still make payments by scanning or dialling the codes depending on whether they are using a smart phone or feature phone. The universal QR code is expected to be a game changer in Ghana’s cash-lite agenda.

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